Ferramenta inovadora para Gestão de Manutenção.
Since 2014

Maintenance Management

ACELINK® is an innovative software for managing your company's maintenance, providing it with a tool that will allow you to organize your team more efficiently, increasing execution capacity and speed in responding to intervention requests. Through a good and organized maintenance team you can reduce your costs and increase the performance of your equipment. Well-maintained equipment and infrastructure have greater durability and economy, avoiding repair interventions that are inherently more expensive, in addition to disrupting normal operation.

Ecrã principal Acelink

Maintenance Management

It is a registered trademark of the technological company LIDERLINK Business Solutions, a technology company, with products and services that add value to its customers, adapting the most advanced technologies to the specific needs of each client and each market. It is dedicated to providing a universe of global solutions ranging from consultancy, training and installation to support and maintenance of information systems, in the sense of organizational improvement, procedural modernization, increased financial profitability, productivity growth and, above all, of all, assuring the permanent continuity of the activity or business of many national and international organizations.

Experimente Hoje

Demo Gratuita

Navegar o mundo da Gestão de Manutenção é simples e está ao seu alcance. Solicite a Demo Gratuita e revolucione a forma como a sua empresa é gerida.